Heyground aims at the community of people who solve social problems facing our society through business and new approaches. The members of Heyground called 'Changemaker' are gathering around their field to create a new system for Changemakers and to support them effectively.

The concept of "accumulating value" started with the idea that the social values accumulated in the process of cooperating and growing with Changemakers are the starting point for making changes in the world and the biggest factor leading to the solidification of Heyground . The goal was to make Heyground's value, the members who realize it, and the elements of space itself harmoniously and naturally, in order to make these factors into a unique visual identity of Heyground.
In the VIS(Visual Identity System) of the Heyground, the elements constituting the Heyground are represented by the arrangement and movement of the square block which is a motif. The arrangement of this block is meaningful to the activities of the members and the value they accumulate, and it is applied uniformly to the fonts and various visual expressions. The most important motif of Heyground is the stacked blocks, which have a solid and stable feel when several are gathered. As the arrangement changes according to each meaning, it shows various development possibilities and wit impression. The arrangement of these blocks is also used as a sign indicating the meaning of the members' roles and activities according to the main activities of the members.
'YOU' located in the middle of the logo means that the Changemaker that leads the Heyground is the member themselves.