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완벽을 넘어선 매력적인 브랜드를 디자인합니다.
오랜시간 사랑받을 수 있는 브랜드 아이덴티티를 구축하기 위해 전방위적인 브랜드 활동을 지원하고, 시장이 주목하는 브랜드를 만듭니다.


Lighting Bag
Client : Self-Innitiated
Goal : Product
Production : 2008

_A cup of light. It enables to draw a light easily just by using the tiny Lighting Bag. The lighting enables to fill in your room by each specific colors, just like a tea bag draws a color by its taste. The Lighting Bag gives you a light like a tea bag does. The illumination has had physical form since the lighting invented. And a thousand of designers created a shape by themselves. Now it is familiar to us that the light has a form. The Lighting bag offers you a chance which creates a form easily, just by using a tea bag. Design is not magic show. But designer can give people the magical experience.

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완벽을 넘어선 매력적인 브랜드를 디자인합니다.
오랜시간 사랑받을 수 있는 브랜드 아이덴티티를 구축하기 위해 전방위적인 브랜드 활동을 지원하고, 시장이 주목하는 브랜드를 만듭니다.